News Archives


Subsystem symmetry enabling quantum computation
February 26, 2020

Diagram for Subsystem symmetry enabling quantum computation article

Austin Daniel, Rafael Alexander, and Akimasa Miyake have published a paper in the journal Quantum demonstrating that certain many-body quantum systems, when placed on lattices with different geometri…




Prof. Acosta Receives Prestigious NSF CAREER Award
May 4, 2020

Photo diamond nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

He will also develop a one-week summer or winter school for undergraduates based on the fascinating new area of quantum engineering, with an emphasis on women, minorities, and first-generation studen…



Phase tracking for sub-shot-noise-limited receivers
July 6, 2020


Nonconventional receivers for phase-coherent states based on non-Gaussian measurements such as photon counting surpass the sensitivity limits of shot-noise-limited coherent receivers, the quantum noi…


CQuIC Welcomes Milad Marvian to CQuIC Faculty
August 3, 2020

Milad Marvian Photo

CQuIC welcomes Assistant Professor Milad Marvian, of UNM Electrical and Computer Engineering, as a CQuIC Faculty.  He is joining UNM on August 1, 2020 and we are excited that his experience will …


Four CQuIC Faculty Receive EAGER Awards
September 2, 2020

Group photo of Miyake, Crosson, Albash and Becerra

EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) are awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) each year to support exploratory work in its early stages on untested, but potentially trans…



Postdoc Highlight: Dr. Rafael Alexander
November 11, 2020

Photo of Dr. Rafael Alexander

CQuIC bids farewell and best wishes to Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Rafael Alexander who is moving to the next phase in his career at RMIT University.  Raf came to UNM a little more than three years…


Postdoctoral Fellow Highlight:  Chris Jackson
December 11, 2020

Photo of Chris Jackson.jpg

Chris Jackson, CQuIC Postdoctoral Fellow, joined CQuIC in April 2017 and is leaving at the end of the calendar year to become a postdoc at Sandia Livermore. Chris will join the group of Mohan Sarovar…

Postdoc Highlight: Sayonee Ray
December 4, 2020

Photo of Dr. Sayonee Ray

When hiring four postdoctoral fellow in 2017 to work at CQuIC under the NSF funded Focused Research Hub in Theoretical Physics (FRHTP) project, CQuIC broadened its scope when it hired Dr. Sayonee Ray…