Recent News

Pablo Poggi Named Research Assistant Professor of Physics & Astronomy
November 24, 2020
CQuIC is pleased to welcome Dr. Pablo Poggi as Research Assistant Professor of Physics & Astronomy. In January, 2018, Pablo began work at CQuIC as a Postdoctoral Fellow on the NSF funded Focused Research Hub in Theoretical Physics (FRHTP) project.

Postdoc Highlight: Dr. Rafael Alexander
November 11, 2020
CQuIC bids farewell and best wishes to Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Rafael Alexander who is moving to the next phase in his career at RMIT University. Raf came to UNM a little more than three years ago, beginning work as one of four postdoctoral fellows at CQuIC in October 2017 and returns to Melbourne in November 2020 to work as a Vice Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow.