Hardness results for decoding the surface code with Pauli noise
November 21, 2024

Our Research Group specializes in theoretical quantum information science (QIS), quantum optics, and atomic-molecular-optical (AMO) physics. We study the foundations of quantum information processing (QIP) and its implementation in AMO systems. Key questions we seek to address include:
We collaborate with investigators across CQuIC in order to bring fundamental ideas and protocols into the laboratory. Together with Prof. P. S. Jessen, we have developed platforms for quantum control, simulation, measurement, feedback, and tomography, based on spins in cold atomic gases. Together with Profs. T. Albash and A. Miyake we study how much quantum advantage we can harness in Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. With Prof. G. Biedermann (University of Oklahoma) and Prof. Albash, we seek to put this to the test in an experimental platform based on a Cs Rydberg atom QIP. Together with Prof. F. E. Becerra we seek to create complex quantum states of atom ensembles through measurement and feedback. Together with Dr. M. Martin (Los Alamos) we study quantum control of atomic quditsin an experimental platform basedon a Sr Rydberg atom QIP.
Distinguished Professor, Regents’ Professor & CQuIC Director
Research interests: Quantum Information theory, quantum control and measurement, quantum simulation, quantum chaos, quantum optics/atomic molecular optical physics
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