Recent News

New summer program in quantum technologies provides undergrad research opportunities
August 23, 2021
The new Quantum Undergraduate Research Experience at the Center for High Technology Materials or QU-REACH program, a summer undergraduate research program, recently concluded its first-ever 10-week session.
CQuIC Postdoctoral Fellowships Available
August 20, 2021
The Center for Quantum Information and Control at the University of New Mexico invites applications for Postdoctoral Fellowships in theoretical quantum information science (QIS) as part of the National Science Foundation’s Focused Research Hub in Theoretical Physics (FRHTP).
CQuIC awarded $3 million from NSF to expand New Mexico’s standing as a QIS national hub
August 9, 2021
CQuIC will grow as a national hub that strategically brings the QIS theory-community together through a prize postdoctoral fellowship program that will provide an unrivaled education to future leaders within the field, as well as the ability to host national visitors, workshops, and conferences.