
Recent News

Photo of Carl Caves

Caves Receives the Prestigious Micius Quantum Prize
December 16, 2020
Distinguished Professor Emeritus Carlton Caves, and founding Director of CQuIC, is a recipient of the prestigious Micius Quantum Prize 2020 for his groundbreaking foundational work on quantum metrology and quantum information theory, especially for elucidating the fundamental noise in interferometers and its suppression with the use of squeezed states. As a recipient he will receive a gold medal in honor of the recognition as well as a cash award.

Photo of Chris Jackson.jpg

Postdoctoral Fellow Highlight:  Chris Jackson
December 11, 2020
Chris Jackson, CQuIC Postdoctoral Fellow, joined CQuIC in April 2017 and is leaving at the end of the calendar year to become a postdoc at Sandia Livermore.  Chris will join the group of Mohan Sarovar and Sandia National Laboratories, California.  Chris’s research at CQuIC focused on how to measure generalized coherent states and how to understand the space of coherent states in terms of the functions that live on that space. 

Photo of Dr. Sayonee Ray

Postdoc Highlight: Sayonee Ray
December 4, 2020
When hiring four postdoctoral fellow in 2017 to work at CQuIC under the NSF funded Focused Research Hub in Theoretical Physics (FRHTP) project, CQuIC broadened its scope when it hired Dr. Sayonee Ray.  Sayonee began work at CQuIC as a Postdoctoral Fellow on the FRHTP on October 1, 2020 and leaves CQuIC on January 1, 2021.

Optical phase estimation figure for article

Optical phase estimation approaching the quantum limit in a single shot.
December 3, 2020
Optical phase estimation is at the center of many metrological tasks where the value of a physical parameter of a system is mapped to the phase of an electromagnetic field, and single-shot measurements of this phase retrieve the information of this parameter.