About Us
The Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC) is an interdisciplinary research center located at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque with activities across the departments of Physics & Astronomy, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Chemistry & Chemical Biology.
Research at CQuIC is focused on Quantum Information Science, including quantum computation, quantum simulation and complexity, quantum control and measurement, quantum metrology, and quantum optics and communication.
Partnerships and Consortia
CQuIC closely partners with neighboring Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory located in northern New Mexico, and the University of Arizona located in Tucson, Arizona. These partnerships provide collaborations and opportunities for students and postdocs to carry out research in additional laboratories.
CQuIC is a member of the Quantum Information Edge, a nationwide alliance of national labs, universities, and industry advancing the frontiers of quantum computing systems to address scientific challenges and maintain U.S. leadership in next-generation information technology.
CQuIC is the administrative home of Southwest Quantum Information and Technology (SQuInT). Founded in 1998, SQuInT facilitates the exchange of resources amongst node institutions including universities, national labs, and industry, concentrated mostly in the southwestern United States. The annual SQuInT Workshop is one of the longest running interdisciplinary conferences in QIS. SQuInT focuses on building the next generation of leaders in Quantum Information Science, QIS.
National QIS Centers
NSF FRHTP: CQuIC is one of two-in-the-nation NSF Focused Research Hubs in Theoretical Physics (FRHTP). The FRHTP enhances significant breakthroughs at an intellectual frontier of physics (QIS) by promoting a collaborative approach to research with emphasis on the preparation of scientists at the beginning of their independent scientific careers. The FRHTP hosts prized postdoctoral fellowships in QIS.
NSF QLCI: CQuIC is a participant in the NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute (QLCI), Quantum Systems through Entangled Science and Engineering (Q-SEnSE). Led by the University of Colorado Boulder almost forty researchers share their quantum expertise in multi-disciplinary teams to investigate promising solutions to formidable quantum challenges of both fundamental and practical significance.
DOE NQI: In response to the National Quantum Initiative, the Department of Energy established four new QIS Centers. CQuIC is a participant in Quantum Systems Accelerator (QSA). Co-led by Lawrence Berkeley and Sandia National Laboratories QSA’s multi-disciplinary team will pair advanced quantum prototypes (based on neutral atoms, trapped ions, and superconducting circuits) with algorithms specifically constructed for imperfect hardware to demonstrate optimal applications for each platform in scientific computing, materials science, and fundamental physics.
Local Environs
CQuIC is housed in the Physics & Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science building (PAÍS). PAÍS offers state-of-the-art laboratories and collaboration spaces. Take a virtual tour here. CQuIC is part of the Interdisciplinary Science Cooperative in PAÍS, the hub of interdisciplinary research at the University of New Mexico.
UNM is located in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico, a wonderful environment for those who love the outdoors, hiking, biking, and skiing, with a rich history and culture. Join us!