Dr. Becerra Awarded Grant
June 6, 2023

The quantum properties of physical systems have a large potential for enabling technologies with unprecedented capabilities, and their study can provide insight into the fundamental limits of information processing and transfer between different physical systems such as light and matter. The Quantum Optics group performs research in quantum information with atoms and photons, with a focus on the study of quantum properties of light and matter for optimal methods of measurement, information transfer and communications.
The Quantum Optics group interests include the study of measurements with sensitivities beyond conventional limits of detection, and the study of quantum-state superpositions from the interaction of light and matter for quantum information and communication protocols. We are interested in studying technologies that can be enabled by these quantum systems and understanding the limits of such quantum technologies. Applications of these studies include quantum and coherent communications, metrology, and quantum information processing.
Visit the Becerra Research Group website for more information
Associate Professor
Research interests: Experimental quantum optics, quantum communications, nonlinear optics, and quantum information.
Quantum-Optics track in the Optical Science and Engineering Ph.D. program.
Quantum optics; Quantum Information and computation; Optics; Laser physics; Devices