Recent News

CQuIC receives award in new NSF Quantum Leaps Challenge Institute
July 22, 2020
CQuIC is excited to be part of the newly created center entitled “Quantum Systems through Entangled Science and Engineering (Q-SEnSE)” one of three Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes (QLCI) inaugurated by the National Science Foundation.

Postdoc Spotlight: Dr. Pablo Poggi, Premio Juan José Giambiagi
July 20, 2020
The CQuIC community offers congratulations to Pablo for his recognized achievement for his thesis work and continued contributions to research in quantum information science.

Phase tracking for sub-shot-noise-limited receivers
July 6, 2020
Nonconventional receivers for phase-coherent states based on non-Gaussian measurements such as photon counting surpass the sensitivity limits of shot-noise-limited coherent receivers, the quantum noise limit (QNL). These non-Gaussian receivers can have a significant impact in future coherent communication technologies.