Quantum New Mexico Exchange Workshop inspires collaborative opportunities for the next generation of leaders in QIS
March 28, 2023
Last year, some of the greatest powerhouses in Quantum Information Science (QIS) came together to advance research, education, workforce, and economic development through the launch of Quantum New Mexico (QNM). On Friday, March 3rd, the Quantum New Mexico Institute (QNM-I) advanced this effort by holding an Exchange Workshop dedicated to building critical collaborative connections between UNM faculty, postdocs, and Sandia National Laboratories.
QNM-I allows for the opportunity to engage with the business, technology transfer, and economic development groups at Sandia while UNM provides new prospects for recruitment, funding, and industry. Both UNM and Sandia are motivated to provide a high-quality, collaborative space for relationships between undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and other experts.
The workshop was held in UNM’s new state-of-the-art facility, the Physics & Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science (PAÍS) building. In order to accelerate breakthroughs in the development of radically new quantum technologies, cutting-edge facilities like PAÍS, the Center for High Technology Materials (CHTM), and Sandia’s Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) will be instrumental in this effort.
Read the full story here.