Recently Awarded NSF Projects in Quantum Information

August 18, 2022

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Dr. Francisco Elohim Becerra

Quantum Measurements for Continuous-Variable States with Photo Counting

This project will demonstrate optimized quantum measurements for coherent states and their superpositions, which can provide a new tool for quantum communications and information processing. These optimized measurements are based on photon counting, coherent displacement operations, and adaptive measurements, which will allow for the design of a wide class of optimized quantum measurements for diverse states and measurement problems.

The proposed quantum measurements seek to realize complex projective and non-projective measurements with fidelities and sensitivities for state projection and discrimination beyond the reach of standard measurement paradigms including Gaussian measurements (homodyne/heterodyne).

The project will advance new knowledge through the development of experimental techniques for ultrasensitive optical measurements with high fidelity, and through theoretical methods for the design and optimization of complex quantum measurements with finite resources.

See the NSF Award Abstract

Dr. Ivan Deutsch, PI

Dr. Pablo Pogg, Co-PI

Advances in Quantum Control and Noise Mitigation on A Highly Accurate Testbed

The key challenge of current quantum information processing devices is to tame the errors and imperfections hindering the performance of these devices to allow them to develop the necessary complexity to achieve quantum advantage over their classical counterparts.

Our project seeks to develop and test new techniques to both control these devices and to shield them from noise, and to better understand their fundamental limitations. Such understanding is essential to accelerate the application of quantum technologies to problems in science and engineering. 

The proposed project is a collaborative effort with both experimental and theoretical components, employing a Small, Highly Accurate Quantum (SHAQ) processor based on the internal spin states of individual cesium atoms. 

Key research thrusts will include the simulation of deep quantum circuits and Floquet systems, studies of the role played by quantum chaos and dynamical instability in the proliferation of errors, techniques for noise tailoring and quantum error mitigation, and studies of Floquet Time Crystals in both theory and experiment.

See the NSF Award Abstract