Visiting Academic Colleague, Alberto Marino at CQuIC

October 1, 2018 - Gloria Cordova

Photo of Alberto MarinoCQuIC welcomes Alberto Marino, Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma as a UNM Visiting Academic Colleague.  Prof. Marino is on sabbatical in Albuquerque for the 2018-2019 academic year, working at Sandia Laboratories.  He will also be a weekly visitor at CQuIC to collaborate on research with the Deutsch, Becerra and Manjavacas groups.  Prof. Marino’s research has focused on the generation and control of quantum states of light known as twin beams through the use of four-wave mixing in atomic vapors.  His research intersects with that of CQuIC investigators through his work on the spatial properties of quantum states of light and on the interface between quantum states of light and plasmonic structures.