UNM to participate in $15 million NSF program to create first practical quantum computer
August 21, 2018 - Gloria Cordova
A research team of the University of New Mexico led by CQuIC faculty, Akimasa Miyake, will participate in a $15 million, multi-university collaboration as part of a National Science Foundation program designed with the audacious goal of building the world’s first practical quantum computer. Read the UNM news article.
Team of STAQ-project researchers at Ideas Lab meeting at the Santa Fe Institute in Fall 2017. Front row (l. to r.): Hartmut Haeffner (University of California, Berkeley), Aram Harrow (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and Kenneth Brown (Duke University). Back row l. to r.): Akimasa Miyake (University of New Mexico), Alexey Gorshkov (University of Maryland College Park), Jungsang Kim (Duke University), Peter Love (Tufts University), Christopher Monroe (University of Maryland College Park), and Frederic Chong (University of Chicago)