CQuIC Welcomes Pablo Poggi

January 8, 2018 - Gloria Cordova

Photo Pablo PoggiPlease join us in welcoming Pablo Poggi to CQuIC as a Postdoctoral Fellow.  Pablo comes to us from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Pablo recently completed his PhD under the supervision of Dr. Diego Wisniacki and Dr. Fernando Lombardo.  Pablo’s PhD research was focused on coherent control of quantum systems.  His research interests include:  Applications of optimal control techniques to relevant problems in quantum information setups such as quantum dots, superconducting circuits and ultracold atoms; quantum many-body phenomena, such as quantum phase transitions and many-body localization, and the effects of driving and dissipation in this type of systems; and the study of the quantum-to-classical transition: thermalization in quantum systems, quantum thermodynamics and quantum chaos.  Pablo started work at CQuIC on January 8, 2018.  Please welcome him to the CQuIC team.   Pablo is looking forward to exploring the Southwest, including the state of Colorado; and also to practicing tennis in the great Albuquerque weather.