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Dr. Francisco Elohim Becerra has been awarded $800,000.00 for project: Nonclassical atomic spin ensembles based on coherent feedback and quantum eraser
Physical realizations of the canonical phase measurement for the optical phase are unknown. Single-shot phase estimation, which aims to determine the phase of an optical field in a single shot, is cri…
The ability to distinguish between two different quantum states can enable optical communication, cryptography, and networking. However, any overlap between the two states fundamentally limits how wel…
(a) A sender (Alice) and receiver (Bob) attempt to communicate across a noisy channel. Bob implements a state discrimination measurement based on photon counting to decode the information sent by Alic…
Optical phase estimation is at the center of many metrological tasks where the value of a physical parameter of a system is mapped to the phase of an electromagnetic field, and single-shot measurement…
EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) are awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) each year to support exploratory work in its early stages on untested, but potentially transf…
Nonconventional receivers for phase-coherent states based on non-Gaussian measurements such as photon counting surpass the sensitivity limits of shot-noise-limited coherent receivers, the quantum nois…
Light has intrinsic quantum noise, which limits how well we can measure it, especially at low powers, and bounds how much information we can communicate. A team led by F. Elohim Becerra at the Univers…
Optical communication uses light to encode and transmit information over long distances, such as in optical fibers with losses, and requires reliable detection schemes to read out information from low…
Measurement strategies for multiple coherent states based on single-shot measurements with photon counting can be useful for high bandwidth communications with high spectral efficiency. The quantum-op…
University of New Mexico Assistant Professor Elohim Becerra received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award for his proposal “Quantum Measurements for Opti…
Dr. Elohim Becerra Chavez’s research group recently published Quantum measurements: surpassing conventional sensitivity limits at low powers in Nature Partner Journals