Adiabatic Quantum Computing 2023

June 19, 2023 8:00 AM -
June 23, 2023 5:00 PM
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Registration for AQC 2023 is now closed.
Scientific Program
Conference Hotel
The conference will be held at the Clyde Hotel, 330 Tijeras Ave NW, Albuquerque NM 87102
To book a room at the hotel, contact Melissa Montes at
About the Conference
Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC) 2023 will be held in ABQ on June 19 - June 23.
The twelfth International Conference, AQC 2023, will bring together researchers from different communities to explore this computational paradigm and related topics.
The goal of the conference is to promote a dialogue on the open theoretical questions and experimental challenges that must be addressed to realize practically useful adiabatic quantum computing and quantum annealing in existing and near-term hardware.
Future announcements about AQC 2023 will be sent out from the listserv, so we encourage you to subscribe.
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- Send an email to
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If you have already subscribed to the listserv but do not wish to receive emails about AQC 2023, you can send an email to Leave the Subject field blank and in the body of the email write (with no other text): unsubscribe aqc2023-abq-L.
About Albuquerque
See a list of faculty-recommended cafes, restaurants, museums, and shops
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission for AQC 2023 is officially closed.
AQC 2023 Junior Scientist Scholarship
The local organizers are happy to announce the AQC 2023 Junior Scientist Scholarship.
Awardees of the scholarship will have your registration fee waived and your accommodation at the preferred conference hotel the nights of June 18 – June 23 will be booked and covered by the organizers.
All junior scientists submitting an abstract will be eligible for the scholarship, and you can apply during your abstract submission process. In addition to submitting an abstract, you must upload your CV/Resume.
All junior scientists (undergraduate, graduate, or postdoc) are strongly encouraged to apply!
Invited Speakers
- Mohammad Amin (D-Wave)
- Jemma Bennett (University of Innsbruck)
- Lucas Brady (NASA QuAIL)
- Arthur Braida (ATOS)
- Madelyn Cain (Harvard University)
- Carleton Coffrin (LANL)
- Lucas Kocia (SNL)
- Trevor Lanting (D-Wave)
- Glen Mbeng (University of Innsbruck)
- Humberto Munoz (University of Southern California)
- Giacomo Nannicini (University of Southern California)
- Shruti Puri (Yale University)
- Tsuyoshi Yamamoto (NEC)
In collaboration with
Sponsored by
The International Network on Quantum Annealing (INQA) unifies the research activities of major global collaborations in quantum annealing in North America, Japan, the European Union and the United Kingdom.
INQA is supported by a International Network Grant from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
International Steering Committee
- Tameem Albash (UNM)
- Elizabeth Crosson (UNM)
- Richard Harris (D-Wave)
- Brad Lackey (Microsoft)
- Wolfgang Lechner (Innsbruck)
- Daniel Lidar (USC)
- Hidetoshi Nishimori (Tokyo Tech)
- Eleanor Rieffel (NASA)
- Giuseppe Santoro (SISSA)
- Paul Warburton (UCL)
- Steven Weber (MIT)
- Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (Saarland)
The co-organizers are Tameem Albash (CQuIC) and Carleton Coffrin (LANL). They can be reached at
AQC 2024
Advance notice: AQC 2024 will be held in the Scottish city of Glasgow (UK) at the University of Strathclyde Technology and Innovation Centre, from Monday 10 - Friday 14 June 2024. Please save the dates, we look forward to welcoming you then.
Past AQC Meetings
The conference is a sequel to